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When it comes to cyber resilience, boards face a number of challenges. We are starting to see regulators impose clear accountabilities for, and put growing pressure on, the board and senior management of companies to adopt specific:
measures to manage cyber and data risks. Failure to do so now attracts the threat of financial penalties, regulatory action (including operationally challenging directions or undertakings) and significant reputational damage.
Click here to find out more measures to manage cyber and data risks. Failure to do so now attracts the threat of financial penalties, regulatory action (including operationally challenging directions or undertakings) and significant reputational damage.
Our speakers
Our flexible learning modules provide you with the insights you need to help stay ahead of the complex issues businesses are tackling in a rapidly changing landscape, while helping to fulfil your continuing professional development requirements.
Our flexible learning modules provide you with the insights you need to help stay ahead of the complex issues businesses are tackling in a rapidly changing landscape, while helping to fulfil your continuing professional development requirements.